Introduction to Scent – September 2023

I always believed that i could never tire my dog out. We came home from a 2 hour hike and she still wanted to play! She needs a good run was what I heard and believed!
Or did she?
To rehearse running off to find your own fun? To chase deer? To see that dog in the distance? To bark at random people?
She in fact didn’t need a run, they need a job, they need to use their nose, they need enrichment.
10 minutes of scent / nose work is the equivalent of a 50 minute walk!
Yes – 10 minutes scenting = 50 minute walk π²πΆπ€
Did you know that approximately 41% of your dogs nose is dedicated purely to scenting! Amazing isn’t it!
It is how they navigate their way around our world. It is how they communicate and interact. It keeps them safe. Most importantly, it contributes massively to how they behave. It’s HUGE!
Teach your dog to sniff out a new scent
- Mentally stimulates your dog
- Let’s them enjoy what they love & need to do
- Helps build Self – Control, grit & determination
- Builds confidence
- Helps with behaviour / helps with distractions
- Builds focus outdoors
- Working together boosts your trust & relationship
- It’s an activity you can enjoy together at home and out on walks
Over our 4 weeks we will teach your dog to find their Scent tin, toys, treats & you!
We will vary their rewards, build up their search distance add in distractions whilst they search plus give you plenty of games to take away to boost your walks, calm your household & help with many struggles you may have.
This is a 4 week course held every Wednesday starting on the 20th September 5.30-6.30pm outdoors at my secure dog field/park & training area.
We can’t wait for you to join us π
Introduction to Scent – September 2023
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